What we do

Doctors’ Health NSW (previously known as Doctors’ Health Advisory Service NSW) aims to ensure that every doctor, medical student, dentist and vet across NSW has ready access to healthcare.

Doctors’ Health NSW:

  • Advocates for doctors’ health and wellbeing;
  • Is independent of all professional, employment and registration organisations;
  • Operates a confidential free 24/7 phone service for callers to speak with an experienced doctor;
  • Is run by experienced GPs and other specialist medical practitioners;
  • Is connected with a network of doctors, specialists and other services;
  • Provides education and other activities relevant to doctors’ health and wellbeing.

24/7 Phone Line

The Doctors’ Heath NSW 24/7 phone service is run by doctors, and is designed exclusively for doctors, dentists, vets and students of these professions. The phone service is also available to any concerned family members or colleagues of these professionals.

Doctors’ Health NSW is not a clinical service or medical practice. It offers peer support and guidance from experienced doctors, ensuring a safe space to discuss challenges, seek advice, and share experiences.

Our doctors are here to listen and provide support and guidance and can assist callers to find solutions for managing stress, coping with workload, navigating career decisions, and finding the right treating practitioners.

We do not provide clinical or medico-legal advice. We can assist with personal support for individuals with personal health issues or navigating regulatory or medicolegal processes by providing a safe space to talk about what’s going on.

By connecting callers with peers who understand the nuances of the medical profession, Doctors’ Health NSW fosters a supportive community where individuals can openly discuss their concerns without fear of judgment.

Our doctors aim to provide a high standard of support, prioritising confidentiality and respect for each caller's unique circumstances.

Doctors’ Health NSW is here to empower all doctors and medical students, and to provide support and care for all members of our professional family, so that no-one feels alone in times of adversity.

Doctors' Health NSW strongly recommends that all practitioners and students have their own GP. The peer support service provided by Doctors' Health NSW is not a substitute for seeking appropriate ongoing treatment and care from your own GP and/or other specialist.


The benefits of speaking to a colleague who will understand have long been recognised by the medical profession.

A group of NSW doctors who were concerned for colleagues first met in 1975 - and this formed the foundation of the Doctors’ Health Advisory Service. With the support of the Medical Benevolent Association of NSW and the Australian Medical Association (NSW), a management committee was formed in 1982, and doctors and specialists contributed to a roster, taking calls from colleagues needing support.

The service is now a registered charity and is overseen by a Board of Directors. 

Since 2016, Doctors’ Health NSW has received financial support from the Medical Board of Australia, administered by Doctors' Health Services Pty Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of the AMA. We acknowledge and thank the Australian Health Professionals Regulation Authority (AHPRA) and the Medical Board of Australia for continuing to support our service.

Although this funding is received indirectly from the Medical Board of Australia, Doctors’ Health NSW remains strictly independent of all professional registration bodies and all other employment or training organisations in the work we do to support doctors’ and students’ health and wellbeing.

Walkway to beach

Who we are

Board Members

Chair: Dr Ameeta Patel FRACGP, MBBS (Hons), DRANZCOG, GAICD
Consultant General Practitioner

Director: Dr Penny Browne MBBS, FRACGP, MHL, GAICD
Senior staff specialist, General Practice

Director: Ms Meredith McVey OAM
Social Worker and Official Visitor, Ministry of Health

Director: Dr Luke Morphett B Med Sc (Hons), B Med, Grad Dip Genet Couns, FRACGP
General Practitioner, General Practice

Director: Dr Choong-Siew Yong MB BS, FRANZCP, Cert Child Adol Psych, MAICD, FAMA
Child and adolescent psychiatrist

Dr Timothy West MBBS FRACP
Clinical Immunologist and Allergist and Director of Physician Education

Staff Members

Medical Director: Dr Kathryn Hutt MBBS, BSc(Med), MPH, MA (Applied Ethics), GAICD

Program Manager:  Ms Samantha Hall

Clinical Program Manager:  Ms Amy Webster BA(Psych), MA

Administrator: Ms Barbara Fleming


Doctors' Health NSW does not collect any identifiable data without permission. You have the right to deal with us anonymously or under a pseudonym, unless it is impractical to do so, or unless we are required or authorised by law to only deal with identified individuals.