“Thank you. I really appreciate everything you’ve done for me... you and your team are providing such an amazing service and I am extremely grateful”


A caller to the phone line.

Donate to support a colleague

Every day for the last fifty years, doctors on this phone line have been taking phone calls to support their colleagues. Every year the number of calls is increasing. Your donation will help us to keep delivering our important services which include:

  • Providing the 24/ 7 confidential free phone line connecting callers with an experienced GP
  • Connecting callers with a network of doctors, specialists and other services where needed
  • Raising awareness about the service, so that every doctor and medical student is aware of us if and when needed
  • Providing education and other activities relevant to doctors’ health and wellbeing.

Ways to donate

  • Make a donation
  • Regular giving
  • Leave a gift in your will / consider a bequest and leave a lasting legacy
  • Donate in memory
  • Fundraise
  • Corporate partnerships

Tax deductible donations

Donations to an eligible charity such as Doctors’ Health NSW, can both benefit the charity receiving the donation - and reduce an individual’s taxable income in a financial year.

Donations can be considered as tax deductible if they are made to a charity that is defined by the Australian Tax Office as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR).

Doctors’ Health NSW is a registered charity and a deductible gift recipient. Donations over $2 are tax deductible.

How to claim a tax deduction

Make a donation to Doctors’ Health NSW, enter an email address and you will automatically receive a receipt by email.

Keep this with your tax documentation and when you lodge your tax return at EoFY, make sure the donation amount is included in the D9 Gift or donations section of the tax return form.

You can claim for the full amount of your donation as long as it’s $2 or more.