Doctors' Health Alliance

The Doctors' Health Alliance (formerly the Australasian Doctors Health Network) is an independent network of doctors' health services across Australia raising awareness about the importance of doctors’ health and wellbeing. The website is designed to bring together doctors and medical students who share an interest in the health and wellbeing of their colleagues. The site provides news and resources for promoting doctors' health, for helping your colleagues and for your own self-care, which is an essential prerequisite for competent medical practice.

Other State and Territory Services

Support, Insight, and Connection: The Balint Group Experience

Balint groups are small, supportive groups where healthcare professionals including doctors can reflect on their patient experiences. They provide a safe space to explore emotional and relational challenges in clinical practice.

The benefits of participating in a Balint group:

  • Support: Balint groups provide a confidential environment where healthcare professionals can share challenges, fostering a sense of solidarity and reducing feelings of isolation.
  • Empathy: Group discussions enhance understanding of patients’ emotions and perspectives, strengthening clinician-patient relationships.
  • Burnout prevention: By offering a structured space to process complex feelings towards patients, Balint groups help alleviate emotional burdens and mitigate the risk of burnout.
  • Professional growth: Participants report increased engagement in their practice, with enhanced skills in active listening, self-reflection, and creative problem-solving.

How do they work?

Groups meet for 1½ to 2 hours, in person or online, with trained facilitators. Members share cases from practice, focusing on clinician-patient relationships. Discussions allow exploration of different perspectives and approaches.

Find out more about BalintANZ 

Find a Balint group to join

Australian Doctors in Recovery

The Australian Doctors in Recovery (ADR) Group is a fellowship of medical, dental and veterinarian men and women, including students, who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from addiction, including alcoholism.

They host twice weekly meetings via Zoom as well as an annual conference.

Australian Doctors In Recovery (ADR) | There Is A Solution (

The Essential Network for Health Professionals

Browse the resources below to find more information about health and wellbeing for medical professionals.

Medical Benevolent Association of NSW

The Medical Benevolent Association of NSW (MBANSW) provides confidential counselling and short-term financial assistance to support doctors through times of crisis, illness, accident, impairment, loss of income or grief. We assist practicing, non-practising, retired and suspended doctors as well as final year medical students and doctor’s families. Our financial assistance is aimed at helping with basis living costs, through the crisis, and is normally limited to a period of two to four months. Our counselling and social work services extend for as long as needed. We can also refer doctors to other specialist services including Financial Counselling, Addiction, Domestic Violence, Grief Counselling as well as Pro-Bono Legal and Medical Insurance services. Our services are free, confidential and independent of any regulatory body and no referral is necessary.

Requests for assistance for yourself or a colleague or family member, can be made by contacting our Senior Social Workers by phone or email as indicated below.

Phone: 02 9987 0504 (ext 1)



Drs4Drs is an online service that coordinates health programs and education materials for doctors and medical students. 


Drs4Drs offers an online modular education course to help doctors who are interested in learning to care for other doctors and medical students. Register via their website to complete the training.

Free counselling

Drs4Drs can also provide doctors and medical students with up to three counselling sessions of one hour each.

Call Dr4Drs on 1300 374 377 (1300 Dr4Drs) 24/7, 365 days a year.

Drs4Drs telephone counselling service is provided by Converge International. Counsellors are based in Australia and are registered psychologists (AHPRA), qualified social workers (AASW) or qualified counsellors (ACA; PACFA). Calls are received by a person who will triage the call and explain the support options available. If the call is assessed as urgent, the caller can choose to be referred for a confidential telehealth consultation by one of the counsellors who is available at the time. If the call is not urgent, a later counselling appointment will be made.

Mental Health Line - 1800 011 511

The Mental Health Line is available to everyone in NSW and operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Staffed by mental health professionals who will ask questions to determine if you or, the person you are concerned about, needs ongoing mental health care and how urgently it is needed.

Lifeline - 13 11 14

Crisis support 24/7.

Suicide Call Back Service - 1300 659 467

Free 24/7 phone and online counselling for people at risk of or affected by suicide.

Beyond Blue - 1300 22 46 36

24/7 trained mental health professionals. Calls are confidential.

Kids Helpline - 1800 551 800

Counselling support line for children and young people aged 5 to 25.

This Way Up

Online courses that teach clinically-proven strategies to help you improve the way you feel.


Free confidential peer support for health professionals in Australia and NZ.