Cultivating a healthier future for doctors: Family physicians supporting sick colleagues
This resource about caring for colleagues is a companion document for a Symposium presented at WONCA Europe 2024.
Astier Pena MP, Kay M, Rochfort A. Cultivating a healthier future for doctors: family physicians supporting sick colleagues. (Symposium) WONCA Europe 2024 Conference. “Changing the Nature of Family Medicine. Cultivating the Future.” 25-28 September 2024: Dublin.
Looking after colleagues - be a doctor for doctors
If you are a GP, psychiatrist or clinical psychologist with an interest in doctors’ health and you are able to prioritise appointments for NSW doctors and medical students, we would like to hear from you. There is a network of GPs across NSW who support their colleagues by being a doctor for other doctors. AMA NSW and Doctors’ Health NSW maintain a registry to help doctors and medical students to find a GP or specialist.
If you decide to join our lists, your details will be available publicly on or via the Doctors’ Health NSW website.
If you are interested in being a doctor for other NSW doctors please complete the expression of interest form below.
Join the list of RANZCP psychiatrists interested in looking after their colleagues
The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists offers a list of specialists with experience in treating doctors, psychiatrists and medical students.
To find out more contact RANZCP
Checking in on colleagues
Checking in on colleagues is a vital skill. While we should not treat colleagues in a corridor consultation, we need to remember that when a colleague seems to be struggling, there may be a health issue. Checking in as a caring colleague and even supporting them to access the care they need can help our colleagues conquer the barriers to health access.
This video was made by a medical student to enable us to reflect on what it is really like to work as a doctor and how the kindness of colleagues can make a huge difference in people’s lives.
A healthy medical profession - caring for ourselves and our colleagues
This is a two hour training module developed to support doctors to learn more about doctors’ health. This includes a series of modules that discuss:
Understanding self-care
- Accessing healthcare
- Learning to be a doctor-patient
- Training to be a doctor for a doctor
The interactive module is designed for busy doctors and it is possible to stop and start the module in your own time. If you register with your name, at the end of the module there is a certificate that will be provided to state that the module has been completed. You can join anonymously if you wish, although it is necessary to provide an email address to log in. It is up to the user to determine what state they wish to nominate within the module.
The module is available at the drs4drs website
There are doctors' health services across Australia - contact us
For doctors and medical students who would like to talk confidentially with an experienced doctor, call our anonymous 24/7 phoneline:
02 9437 6552 - connects you to to the Doctors' Health NSW free phone service
1800 006 888 - the free National Doctors' Health Line connects you to your local doctors' health service, Australia wide
For general enquiries to Doctors' Health NSW
Phone: 02 9030 7515 for office and administrative enquiries only