By completing this form, you will be registering for an interview to discuss your experiences of the sudden death of a colleague. 

The confidential interview will take approximately 60 - 90 minutes and will be carried out by .... 

We would like to discuss how you managed the impacts of the sudden death, what support you received and what support you would have liked to have received or that may been helpful.

If you feel distressed while you are completing this form - or at any time, support is available from:

  • Doctors’ Health NSW on 02 9437 6552 (24/7 confidential phone support for doctors, provided by experienced doctors who are not part of the research team)
  • Your own General Practitioner
  • Lifeline Australia on 13 11 14 or Text: 0477 131 114
  • Suicide call back service 1300 659 467

Interview registration form

Interview registration form

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Thank you, we will be in contact with you shortly to discuss the next steps.